Physiotherapy Services
Here at The Body Mind Clinic we have some of the most experienced and professional physio’s in Cardiff! No, that’s not an overstatement – each of our practitioners has over 25 years experience treating a wide range of patients and conditions. Get in touch and one of them will be happy to assist you!
Injury and rehabilitation: Our team have an incredible depth of knowledge and experience to call upon to help you back to your best.

Speak with a Physiotherapy Expert
Call: (029 20) 450 050

Karen Fuller

Saskia Blair

Jackie Zaslona

Joanne Elphinston

Kent Fyrth
Frequently Asked Questions
Each of our physiotherapists has a wealth of experience to call upon each one qualified for over 25 years. There’s not much you haven’t come across over that time!
Depending on the length of time your appointments will be (which can vary on the complexity of your condition) the cost of physiotherapy can vary. Your physio will tell you the cost before you make the decision to book in.
Every Physiotherapist here is a member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP). All practice independently and are fully insured.
WILL My INSURANCE PAY for treatment?
Each physio here takes patients from most major medical insurance companies including BUPA, Aviva, PPP, Axa etc. Please mention your membership of these organisations at the time of booking in.
Will i need to be referred by a gp?
You don’t need to inform your GP you are having private physiotherapy however you may wish to advise them after you have finished a course of treatment as it may be useful to have on your medical records. We take private enquiries however if you are coming through private insurance you’ll need to advise the physio and the insurance company in advance.
Do i bring anything with me on my first appointment?
If you have a referral letter then bring this, should you be claiming through your insurance you’ll also need to bring all the details. Should you have any x-ray or scan results these can be useful if they relate to your main complaint. Shorts are useful to bring also but not essential.
What to Expect From Your Visit
We have parking at the premises so that’s one less thing to think of! On arrival you’ll ring the buzzer of the practitioner you’re here to see. During your initial appointment you will have a consultation, get assessed and also have an initial treatment.
Your physiotherapist will provide a strategy for how they are going to treat you and give you an idea of how many sessions you will likely need. Treatment may include manual therapy, tailored exercise, advice and education.
Contact us
Call Us
(029 20) 450 050
Email Us
Our Location
The Body Mind Clinic
128 Newport Road
CF24 1DH